Marriage contract: (1) Thomas Rae in Easter Calder and (2) Helen Guidin, daughter of John Guidin, portioner of Kirkintilloch. (1) binds himself to bestow 800 merks Scots in favour of (1) and (2) in liferent, and their heirs, and to secure all his lands, tacks, goods etc, similarly; and John Guidin binds himself to pay 300 merks Scots to (1)
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TitleMarriage contract: (1) Thomas Rae in Easter Calder and (2) Helen Guidin, daughter of John Guidin, portioner of Kirkintilloch. (1) binds himself to bestow 800 merks Scots in favour of (1) and (2) in liferent, and their heirs, and to secure all his lands, tacks, goods etc, similarly; and John Guidin binds himself to pay 300 merks Scots to (1)
Date9 Aug 1710
Extent1 item
Level of descriptionitem
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch
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