David Patrick, Town Clerk, and the Rev William Patrick
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TitleDavid Patrick, Town Clerk, and the Rev William Patrick
Scope and ContentMemoriam to Mrs Love, grandmother of above, tribute to Principal Wm Patrick ordained 1878 minister of St David's Memorial Church died 1911, by John Cameron at opening of the Wm Patrick Memorial Library, the gift of David Patrick 1929, more extensive manuscript notes for same, published life of David Patrick 1854-1941appended to minutes of Meeting of Provost Magistrates and Councillors of the Burgh of Kirkintilloch June 1941, bequest to the Wm Patrick Memorial Library 1942, unveiling of the bust of David Patrick 1943, various associated press articles regarding St David's Memorial Church and some Town Council matters application and testimonials for appointment to the office of Clerk and Treasurer to the Eastern District Committee of the County Council of Dunbarton for David Patrick Town Clerk of Kirkintilloch.
Extent27 items
Persons keywordPatrick; David (1854-1941); Town Clerk of the Burgh of Kirkintilloch, Patrick; William (1852-1911); Principal of Manitoba College; Reverend
Level of descriptionfile
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch