Charter of confirmation granted by Malcolm, Lord Fleming to his burgesses and indwellers in the burgh of Kirkintilloch
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TitleCharter of confirmation granted by Malcolm, Lord Fleming to his burgesses and indwellers in the burgh of Kirkintilloch
Scope and ContentCharter of confirmation granted by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, chancellor and lord of the barony of Lenzie, superior of the burgh of Kirkintilloch in favour of the burgesses and indwellers of the burgh of Kirkintilloch of all the burgh lands and tenements belonging of old to the said burgh, lying in the barony of Lenzie within the sheriffdom of Dumbarton; to hold in fee hereditably for 12 merks of the usual money of Scotland
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Witnesses: David McRorie, Patrick McRorie, Robert Kincaid, Ninian Somerverle, Master Gordon Stevsone, Gilbert Browne, David Stevsone, James Lyndsay, Michael Flemyng, sir Gavin Clerk, notary public, sir Andrew Browne, chaplain and notary public with diverse others
Day and month blank [copy?]
Witnesses: David McRorie, Patrick McRorie, Robert Kincaid, Ninian Somerverle, Master Gordon Stevsone, Gilbert Browne, David Stevsone, James Lyndsay, Michael Flemyng, sir Gavin Clerk, notary public, sir Andrew Browne, chaplain and notary public with diverse others
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Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch