Spider Bridge, south of Old Aisle Cemetery
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TitleSpider Bridge, south of Old Aisle Cemetery
Scope and Content1) Schedule of listing of Spider Bridge by Strathkelvin District Council and Greater Glasgow Health Board, 1979
2) A4 sheet [from abum] with 2 black and white photographs of bridge and small OS plans of area, nd
3) Spider Bridge Assessment Report by Blyth and Blyth, consulting civil engineers for Strathkelvin District Council, 1987, includes photographs and drawings.
2) A4 sheet [from abum] with 2 black and white photographs of bridge and small OS plans of area, nd
3) Spider Bridge Assessment Report by Blyth and Blyth, consulting civil engineers for Strathkelvin District Council, 1987, includes photographs and drawings.
Extent3 items
Level of descriptionsub-series
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch