Lenzie Entertainments press cuttings
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TitleLenzie Entertainments press cuttings
Scope and ContentLenzie Literary Society 1898 & 1902, Lenzie Musical Society 1898, Lenzie Scientific Society Annual Excursions Edinburgh area 1893, Hamilton to Falls of Clyde 1890, Lenzie Literary - Debating Society on Women's Suffrage 1908, Breach of Promise 1903, Thro' Austria and Hungary 1902 illustrated lecture by Robert John Todd, Lenzie Parish Council vacancy, Dramatic section of Bohemian Club : players 1932 & 32, In praise of David Gray poet 1893, Children`s Fancy Costume Ball and Young People`s Ball 1907, Fancy Dress Carnivals 1928 1930 & 1931, proposed public halls for Lenzie 1889 and planting of oak tree in front of 1902, flying accident Lumloch Farm Auchinairn, Lenzie Ladies Hockey Club "at home" 1906 in Lenzie Public Hall, Golf Club 1909, Angling 1932, Lectures : On Scottish Song, Preface to the Bible -1611, 1902, "railway Courtesy" by Dr Crawford of Lenzie at the caledonian Railway Assembley 1903, a talk on newspapers under the auspices of the McKay Lectures Trust 1903, Mr John Ferguson`s meditations, "The Old Man`s Retrospect" 1905, Dr Williams Pink Pills testimonials and advert, Heresy case 1881, Right of Way 1904, Lenzie Tennis Club Dance Committee guest list 1894, Lenzie Socials 1926, Lenzie Philomel Club a night of Comic Opera 1906, The Mikado 1905, Lenzie Academy news, Lenzie Amateur Minstrels formed 1893,Marriages Deaths Sports pages, charity "Cinderells" at the Kirkintilloch Sick Nursing Society 1893, Kirkintilloch Cricket Club Dance 1895, Kirkintilloch Co-operative 7th Annual Soiree 1889, progress 1938.
Extent39 items
Level of descriptionfile
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch