Mackay Trust
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TitleMackay Trust
Archive creatorMackay Trust
Scope and ContentKirkintilloch Lecture Committee Minutes and Annual Accounts, 1890-1983.
Extent1 volume [0.05m]
Archival historyThe Mackay Trust was formed in 1890 when William Watson Mackay, a dentist, settled £1000 on the Burgh of Kirkintilloch Police Commissioners. The income of the fund was to be paid to the Kirkintilloch Lecture Committee, originally consisting of Rev William Patrick, Duncan Mackinnon, Andrew Laurie, Alexander Taylor, John Cameron, two Police Commissioners and between two and six residents of Kirkintilloch. Half of the income was to be used to purchase a first class set of dental surgical instruments and to fund dental extractions, any remaining balance of which was to be used as the Committee saw fit to alleviate human suffering from disease. The other half of the income was to be used to fund popular lectures in Kirkintilloch excluding political and sectarian subjects and any remaining funds were to be used to fund a free library. The Trust is still in existence and the funds are administered by East Dunbartonshire Council.
SubjectDentistry, Lectures and Lecturing
Level of descriptionseries
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch