Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute Valuation Joint Board
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TitleDunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute Valuation Joint Board
Archival historyThe Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute Valuation Joint Board was established as part of the 1996 reorganisation of local government in terms of The Valuation Joint Boards (Scotland) Order 1995 and is vested with the functions of the three valuation authorities (Argyll and Bute, East Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire Councils) which were formerly part of Strathclyde Region. With the agreement of the three councils the Board also has responsibility for the Electoral Registration function.
The Board comprises 16 members who are appointed by the three councils with the Argyll and Bute Council and West Dunbartonshire Council each nominating 5 members and East Dunbartonshire Council 6 members. The quorum for Board meetings is 4 members with at least one from each council area.
The rateable value is determined by the Assessor, who is independent of both local and central government and it is his estimate of the annual rent which the property would command on the open market. The frequency of Revaluation is now set at 5 years by statute with the purpose of updating rateable values to more appropriate rental values.
Two factors now contribute to the rates bill received by every non-domestic ratepayer; the rateable value of the property and the non-domestic rate (or rate poundage) fixed by the Scottish Parliament.
The Board comprises 16 members who are appointed by the three councils with the Argyll and Bute Council and West Dunbartonshire Council each nominating 5 members and East Dunbartonshire Council 6 members. The quorum for Board meetings is 4 members with at least one from each council area.
The rateable value is determined by the Assessor, who is independent of both local and central government and it is his estimate of the annual rent which the property would command on the open market. The frequency of Revaluation is now set at 5 years by statute with the purpose of updating rateable values to more appropriate rental values.
Two factors now contribute to the rates bill received by every non-domestic ratepayer; the rateable value of the property and the non-domestic rate (or rate poundage) fixed by the Scottish Parliament.
Level of descriptionsub-fonds
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch