Burgh of Bearsden
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TitleBurgh of Bearsden
Archive creatorBurgh of Bearsden
Level of descriptionfonds
Admin history/BiographyThe burgh of Bearsden was officially formed on 16 May 1958. After this date the election of the first town council was held, followed by the appointment of officials and staff. During the interim period social services continued to be administered by Dunbarton County Council on an agency basis until the new administration was able to assume control. The bulk of the services were taken over by the town council on 16 Nov 1958, leaving roads, sewers and housing in the county council's care until 15 May 1959. Bearsden burgh was abolished under Scottish Local Government reform in 1975 when it joined with its neighbour Milngavie to form Bearsden and Milngavie District Council.
1958-1964 J Ogilvie Lennox
1964-1967 James Forbes
1967-1970 David Patrick Fisher
1970-1973 William Cumming
1973-1975 John Alexander
1958-1964 J Ogilvie Lennox
1964-1967 James Forbes
1967-1970 David Patrick Fisher
1970-1973 William Cumming
1973-1975 John Alexander
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Bearsden
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