Letter from Wm Coutts to Father in which he notes that the Western Offensive hasn't started yet, and that as yet he is ineligible for "Commission", but is expecting to receive another stripe soon. Mentions that he is yet to be "under fire" and talks of their latest equipment issue- a "spine pad" for wearing on top of their shirt during the day.
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TitleLetter from Wm Coutts to Father in which he notes that the Western Offensive hasn't started yet, and that as yet he is ineligible for "Commission", but is expecting to receive another stripe soon. Mentions that he is yet to be "under fire" and talks of their latest equipment issue- a "spine pad" for wearing on top of their shirt during the day.
Date5 Jun 1918
Extent1 item
Level of descriptionitem
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch
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