Letter from Wm Coutts to Father, still in Bulgaria- acknowledges a large amount of mail he has received. Also apologises to his father who is "having a daily disappointment by my not being home" and assures him that it's not his own fault. Says "The miners were to be going home about a fortnight ago but are not away yet. I wish they'd get a move on".
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TitleLetter from Wm Coutts to Father, still in Bulgaria- acknowledges a large amount of mail he has received. Also apologises to his father who is "having a daily disappointment by my not being home" and assures him that it's not his own fault. Says "The miners were to be going home about a fortnight ago but are not away yet. I wish they'd get a move on".
Date13 Jan 1919
Extent1 item
Level of descriptionitem
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch
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