Letter from Wm Coutts to Father, written from a bunk of "H.M.S. T. en-route for Batoum". Employed as the ship's "Q.M.S.". Describes the surroundings. No land in sight and he has nothing to do. Not sure how long they will be at Batoum.
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TitleLetter from Wm Coutts to Father, written from a bunk of "H.M.S. T. en-route for Batoum". Employed as the ship's "Q.M.S.". Describes the surroundings. No land in sight and he has nothing to do. Not sure how long they will be at Batoum.
Date12 May 1919
Extent1 item
Level of descriptionitem
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch
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