Letter from John Johnstone to Peter Mackenzie regarding a joint note from Findlay and Reddie to the Commissioner on the day after the Commission was closed - "an insidious attempt to whitewash Richmond under pretence of declining to give evidence from reasons of official duty and State Expediency" [relates to libel action against William Tait]
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TitleLetter from John Johnstone to Peter Mackenzie regarding a joint note from Findlay and Reddie to the Commissioner on the day after the Commission was closed - "an insidious attempt to whitewash Richmond under pretence of declining to give evidence from reasons of official duty and State Expediency" [relates to libel action against William Tait]
Date27 Nov 1834
Extent1 item
Level of descriptionitem
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch
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