Letter from Wm Coutts to Father from a Rest Camp in Italy. Still travelling- although he mentions that he expects this will probably be the final rest camp. Mentions that he has a job as an Officer's Servant, and has 3 to look after. Talks of a Church Service which he enjoyed. A1 health, but feels "a little rusty" from travelling.
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TitleLetter from Wm Coutts to Father from a Rest Camp in Italy. Still travelling- although he mentions that he expects this will probably be the final rest camp. Mentions that he has a job as an Officer's Servant, and has 3 to look after. Talks of a Church Service which he enjoyed. A1 health, but feels "a little rusty" from travelling.
Date2 Feb 1918
Extent1 item
Level of descriptionitem
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch
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