Letter from Wm Coutts to Father informing that he has moved and met up with his Company. Mentions hearing that it is 'extra cushy' here. About halfway through he has come down with scabies again, and has moved from where he started the letter to a clearing station. Has heard that the German offensive on the Western Front has begun, and he hopes it will be the last.
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TitleLetter from Wm Coutts to Father informing that he has moved and met up with his Company. Mentions hearing that it is 'extra cushy' here. About halfway through he has come down with scabies again, and has moved from where he started the letter to a clearing station. Has heard that the German offensive on the Western Front has begun, and he hopes it will be the last.
Date2 Mar 1918
Extent1 item
Level of descriptionitem
Repository nameEast Dunbartonshire Archives - Kirkintilloch
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